Xponent offers two types of Sankey chart on the Journey Discovery Analytics Dashboard:

Within the Sankey charts, Xponent provides additional data points to help businesses establish baselines for identifying where key bottlenecks are for the customer experience as well a way to drill down to view individual profile behavior.

It is recommended to review this documentation in detail to understand how best to leverage the various components within the Sankey to get the best understanding of how your journey is performing.

Popular First Steps Sankey Chart

This Sankey Chart shows the volumes of individuals moving between journey steps. In the first instance we have created a "left-handed" Sankey Chart that shows the initial step and up to four steps for groups of individuals as they move through the customer journey. The most popular first steps are shown from top to bottom on the left of the chart. 

The Sankey chart shows a series of journey steps and the flow of data between them. For example in the section of the Sankey chart below it can be seen the the most popular first steps is the "Manage Kruise" journey step. A small number of those visitors proceed to another product page - as evidenced by the size of the grey bar showing the flow out from the original step. Some viewers proceed to the "Caribbean Kruises" from the Manage Kruise step but the majority of people for the Caribbean Kruise come from the same journey step. 

Journey steps can repeat throughout the Sankey. This repetition typically indicates that your customers are repeating their behaviors and this could be a symptom of the customer getting stuck and unable to move forward. Xponent recommends to then investigate via the Performance Dashboard to understand the interplay between interactions and journey steps to get a fuller picture of customer activities. 

Sankey Flyout

Clicking on a Journey Step will show the details for that step in a "drawer" on the right of the Sankey Chart. This shows the following content:

Clicking on the link between two Journey Steps shows information about the number of profiles who have made that transition between the steps and also offers a drill-down opportunity to see a sample of the profiles. This also shows the Average Time between Steps. This is defined as the average of the amount of time a profile takes to move between two steps.

Individual Profile Selector

Clicking on the View Profile button within the journey step or journey step transition flyout will bring you directly to a randomly selected profile for that journey step or journey step transition. You will be able to view up to ten thousand profiles for that journey step or journey step transition.

Sankey Toggles


The Outcome Toggle brings in the Journey Step outcome definition into the Sankey. This helps establish a quick visual baseline of whether or not profiles are taking a negative or neutral step in your journey orchestration or if profiles are consistently moving through positive journey steps. This allows businesses to understand if there are any areas that require immediate attention. Turning on the Outcome Toggle will override any applied journey filter. 


Similar to the Outcome Toggle, the Stalls Toggle also helps establish a quick visual baseline of where major stalls could be happening in a journey. While you can still click on a Journey Step to see the stall percentage, you can now also click on the Stalls Toggle to quickly get the information to see if there are potential areas for additional journey orchestration or further investigation. 

Stalls Toggle is not available for the Popular Last Step sankey as Popular Last Step sankey is designed to provide insight into what customers were doing before they either stalled in their journey or completed the desired action.  

View More

Within the Sankey there is a View More (View Less) button. When clicked, the sankey will expand to show you all the Journey Steps that have been previously condensed into the “more” node.

In the below example, the default Sankey shows that there are seven more nodes across the columns. 

The user can click on the "View More" button and the Sankey now expands (as shown below) to show what are the additional journey steps that were previously condensed in the seven more step. The user can click on the "View Less" button to collapse the sankey back to the default state again.

Popular Last Steps Sankey Chart

The Popular Last Steps Sankey highlights the popular last steps of user Journeys. Similar to other Journey Discovery features, this is based on the actual pathways taken by individuals, identified by listening to their journey steps and interactions. This is designed to provide insight into what customers were doing before they either stalled in their journey or completed the desired action.  

The Sankey Chart shows the volumes of individuals moving between journey steps. In this instance, we have created a "right-handed" Sankey Chart that shows the final step and up to four prior steps for groups of individuals as they move through the customer journey. The most popular last steps are shown on the chart from top to bottom. 

The Sankey chart shows a series of journey steps and the flow of data between them. For example, in the section of the Sankey chart below it can be seen the the most popular last steps is the "Call Center Journey Start" journey step. About a third of individuals have a prior step before "Call Center Journey Start" - as evidenced by the size of the grey bar showing the flow to the final step. 

Clicking on a journey step will show the details for that step in a "drawer" on the right of the Sankey Chart. This shows the throughput and the new entrants (people who never made any prior steps in this time period) for that journey step, along with the same additional information as seen in the Popular First Step Sankey.

There is a call to action button in the drawer that allows you to View Profiles. This drill-down shows a set of profiles, up to ten thousand profiles, on their activities.