Twitter Read Adaptor

The Twitter Read Adaptor can query the Friends, Followers or Profile of a specified user. The user is identified by their Twitter User Id or User Screen Name. 

Creating a Twitter Read Adaptor

In order to use a Twitter Read Adaptor it is best practice to create a Twitter Connection first. 

From the graphs tab on the Project Home screen choose the Create button or from the hamburger menu in the top left choose . Choose the Twitter adaptor give it a name and click on the. Click on the Create Button at the bottom of the screen. 

  • Choose the Connection from the Adaptor Connection drop down menu 
  • Choose Read from the Twitter Action drop down menu 
  • Choose one of Friends, Followers or Profile from the radio buttons
  • Chose the location of the userid or screen name 
  • Choose the output location for the response from Twitter 

  • Twitter Friends returns the output from the Twitter API GET friends/ids and will return an array of Twitter ids. It will call the end point until no more friends are returned and so may take some time to respond if the user has a lot of friends. Pages are returned with up to 5,000 friends at a time and Xponent will attempt to download all of the pages. 
  • Twitter Followers returns the output from the Twitter API GET followers/ids and will return an array of Twitter ids. It will call the end point until no more friends are returned and so may take some time to respond if the user has a lot of friends. Pages are returned with up to 5,000 friends at a time and Xponent will attempt to download all of the pages. 
  • Twitter Profile will return a Twitter user profile into the selected location 

The adaptor will return an error message of 'User not found' if the user screen name or id is not known by Twitter. 

Validation Warnings


Adaptor does not have connection setIt is necessary to create a connection and choose it from the Adaptor Connection drop down

This adaptor's configuration requires a data source to be setNo data location for the output has been selected

Parameter(s) need a data sourceSome parameters have not been given data sources to read/write from. 

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