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Header Row: Allows to specify that the file's first row data must be considered a header row. Data available in the header row separated by delimiter are column names. Delimiter: Delimiter is a character separator that separates the values stored in rows. Allows to define the predefined and custom delimiter for the data. Select the required delimiter from the dropdown.
Custom Delimiter: Allows to define a new custom delimiter for the data. Selection of Custom from the Delimiter dropdown is mandatory to define the custom delimiter.
The use of escape character minimizes minimises the need of switching quotation marks for enclosing the strings, which contains special punctuation marks. It also avoids the delimiter collision.
A text qualifier is a character used at the beginning and end of a field value.
Anchor | | Data-Type-Mismatch-Error | Data-Type-Mismatch-Error | Data Type Mismatch Error: If the data type in the sample file does not match with the data types specified in the data file. It shows the below error.
Warning |
Data type mismatch between data file and sample file. Please reupload the sample file with the correct data types if you wish to change data types. |
Please review your sample file and ensure that the data types are accurately defined. Make the necessary corrections and re-upload the file to prevent errors during data processing.
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Supported Structure
This is a widely used format for data ingestion. Not Supported Structure
Note |
The selected file size must be less than 2MB. We recommend that the user must avoid uploading the Gzip file unless it has been decrypted. |
Info |
The View Source Batch Schema button gets enabled after uploading the selected file. |
View Batch Schema: Allows you to view and modify the selection of source schema.
Source Data Format
For Delimited files:
After opening the Source Data Format, the Column Names and auto-detected Datatypes in the sample file will be displayed.
For Example:
Note |
Datatypes detected in the sample file will be used to process data files. Please verify the auto detected Datatypes and make sure the sample file contains the correct data. |
For Example:
If you want to process the Datatype “integer” for the Postal Code. Make sure in the sample file also having the same.
If sample file having the Datatype “string” then, this mismatch can cause the failure.
Info |
Whenever required, please make the corrections in the sample file and re-upload it. This is how you can correct the auto-detected datatypes. |
All the available parent column names in the uploaded data file will appear here.
Filter: It allows you to search and filter the specific columns here. Scroll down manually to see the entire list.
Column list: As required, you can select or deselect the required columns of the left-hand side drawer.
By default, all the columns available in the source data format are selected.
Selection of
at leastatleast one column is mandatory to save the schema in the batch listener configuration.
thecase of nested data structures, only the parent column is displayed on the left side.
JSON: JSON schema will update dynamically when columns/keys are selected or deselected from the left-hand side drawer. It displays the standardized schema structure that needs to be mapped in the project schema.
Users can only view the i standardized schema structure.
After changes, copy the created entire schema and paste it into the defined project schema at the right-hand side drawer.
Click Save Changes to save the configuration.