XDP Functionality: Xponent supports through an enhanced data platform built to support traditional CDP use cases, real-time journey analytics, and orchestration. This data platform stores both real-time and historical/batch data. Data is streamed continuously between the two in real time as it becomes available. Through this, CSG continues to support real-time use cases while adding the power of a CDP to support segmentation, predictive modeling, data cleansing, and ETL.
Redeploy the Graph: Xponent supports redeploying the graph in case the graphs have already been deployed before the Single Source of Truth launch into production, which is available in the Engine but not in the Hub's database. In this case status of the graph changes in to Redeploy Recommended.
Bug Fixes
KIT 8854: Allowing to set parameter destination to Profile and Metadata values (JourneySteps, Interactions, and Xdp keys).
KIT 8860: Kafka Topic is conditionally disabled with provision.
KIT 8892: Graph-API Docker Build does not work with an older version of Docker Engine.
KIT 8929: Kafka Topic provision configuration does not align with the CDP.
KIT-8983: Instead of milliseconds, Kafka messages generate with a timestamp in seconds.