- SOAP Web Services
- Kitewheel now supports SOAP 1.1 and 1.2 Web Services. SOAP supports such a wide variety of web services that we can't guarantee that every service in the world will work - but please try and log a support call if your favourite SOAP web service does not work. A warning that as a hosted platform Kitewheel is strict about using SSL and any certificates must be valid for the domain (no self-signed certificates please) and also within date.
- Co-Branding Support
- Co-branding allows permitted organizations the ability to edit the look and feel of Kitewheel 2016, including custom color schemes, logo uploads, browser title, and sub-domain/domains. This is available to Kitewheel's Strategic partners. If you would like access to this feature please speak to your Kitewheel account manager.
- Web Tracking Configuration
- Web Tracking has been improved to give finer control over the type of events which are tracked
- Pixel tracking has been added for email and website tracking using a cookie and non-cookied variants of the pixel
- IP Whitelist Support
- Process Timeouts, Max Retries, Prioritization
- Project Versioning – Rollback / Archive
- Deployment Alerts