Kitewheel January 2017 Release Notes


  • Loop Node - allows a graph to iterate over an array of data
  • Improved graph validation performance and when testing graphs and nodes the graph will be validated prior to the testing console appearing or when the user presses the validate button 

Bug Fixes

  • [KIT-452] - API Listener should always return image on pixel routes even when api listener is not running
  • [KIT-462] - Iterations visual testing, can still hit API listener after manually stopping.
  • [KIT-503] - Removing a Listener in the editor from a deployed graph will remove the graph from the list of deployed graphs
  • [KIT-513] - Crasher in production due to engine-proxy improperly handling exception
  • [KIT-520] - Unable to connect to MySQL DB when password contains special symbols
  • [KIT-527] - Metrics don't accurately get added/formatted for some graph template conversions
  • [KIT-529] - Database read adaptor needs to have % escaped so LIKE will work.
  • [KIT-532] - Infinite (partial) retry loop when hitting transaction timeout

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