Xponent Journey Hub December 2021 (1.34.0) Release Notes
Allow editing of journey map templates, managed graphs, and graph templates inside their respective editor within the library
Open items page for managed graphs and graph templates contains the description and change log. This was previously in Admin for managed graphs and was not available for graph templates.
Open items page for graph templates contains Journey Steps that are part of the template
Note: You may not delete the top-level graph from a managed graph template
Library Settings tab added inside the library which incorporates the following changes:
Allows for setting connections on managed graphs and connections and profile metadata on graph templates
Global Template flag moved from Admin into Library Setting and enabled for managed graphs and journey map templates (previously only available for graph templates). The flag has been relabeled as “Viewable in Child Organizations”
Unchecking this flag for managed graphs has no impact on their current usage in child organizations, but will prevent new usage in those organizations
Consolidate various buttons inside the graph and journey map editor to a single dropdown
Support for updating of journey map templates and graph templates done through a dropdown in the editor
graph template updates include all graphs within the library project through a dropdown in the editor
Added support for change log and description (although journey map change log and description is not yet viewable in the UI)
Managed graph updates are done from within a library project (which prevents overwriting one managed graph with a completely different graph)
Added ability to directly create and add journey steps (via right click) from the graph editor similar to how it’s done through the journey map editor.
Note: this is the only way to add new journey steps in a graph template and journey map template
Deletion and syncing of templates is now done through the library by single clicking on the item in the library
Managed graph and Templates tabs removed from Admin (functionality moved inside the library)
Non-Sharing Work
Add ability to the Reporting microservice to batch process metrics
Bug Fixes
KIT-7954: Node selection box appears after adding a node to a graph
KIT-7910: Unable to restore a project version with a managed graph that contains an adaptor
KIT-7855: Scope of public variables is shared across visual tests in the same project
KIT-7854: [Security - Medium] SSO login allows unintended redirects
KIT-7763: Public variables were not in scope for a graph when used inside a managed graph
KIT-7548: Corrupted graphs caching prevents proper graph execution
KIT-7274: Prevent users from passing non-JSON objects as starting schema when visual testing
KIT-7271: Profile Schema are not included in templates when only referenced by logic nodes
KIT-7054: [Sisense] Embedded dashboards with folders do not redirect properly
KIT-6821: [Version Restore] Deleted Metrics do not un-delete when restoring a version
KIT-6636: Version compare showing differences in graphs when there was no difference
KIT-5829: Deep linking to invalid Admin pages does not properly redirect to valid Admin page
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