When you create a dashboard, your dashboard is initially empty. The next step is to add widgets, or visualizations, to your dashboard to make it meaningful.
Create Dashboards
As a designer, you will have the ability to create dashboards and define the widgets look and feel. Click on the + icon in the left-hand navigation and select New Dashboard to get started.
Click the name of the Data Set displayed to select the data set you want to work with.
Click the name of the Title, and enter a name for the dashboard. This name will appear at the top of the dashboard, and in the Dashboards list.
Note: Dashboard names cannot contain "/".
Click Create. You are then automatically guided through the process of creating your first dashboard widget.
Creating Dashboard Widgets as a Designer
Click on “Select Data” to find the fields you would want to use in your widget.
You will see the list of available fields from the pre-defined data set that you have access to.
Once you have selected the field, you can then choose from a list of visualizations on the left hand navigation or click on “Advanced Configurations” for additional capabilities.
There are two levels of filters you can apply - at the dashboard level and at the widget level.
Creating Filters at the Dashboard Level
Click Filter Your Dashboard in the dashboard’s right panel (if it’s your first filter), or + if you are adding another filter. The Add Filter dialog box is displayed.
(Optional) If you have multiple data sources, select the data source that contains the fields you want to filter. Filters applied to fields from one data source do not affect fields from another data source even on the same dashboard
Select the field by which to filter
Select the type of filter from the pane on the left, such as List, Criteria, Calendar or Ranking. The options provided in this window may vary according to the selected field type (Date, Numeric or Descriptive)
Select the required filtering details in the panel on the right to create one of the following types of filters:
Creating an Include/Exclude Filter
Creating a Text/Numeric/Date Filter
Creating a Top/Bottom Ranking Filter
Creating a Calendar Filter
These are explained in depth below.
Click the Star Favorite button to save this filter. You can give your starred filter a unique name by clicking in the text field and editing the given name. This will be useful when you need to quickly add a new filter (with same field type) or update a filter to reflect the unique parameters that you defined in your starred filter.
Note: Your favorite filters are visible to shared users.Click OK to filter the data in the Dashboard and add this filter to the Filters panel on the right of the Dashboard.
After a filter has been added to the Dashboard, it stays displayed on the Dashboard’s Filters panel. Any changes that you make to the filter are immediately reflected in the Dashboard. You can also rearrange the filters in the Filters panel by dragging a filter above or below another filter.
Creating Filters at the Widget Level
The procedure for defining a Widget filter is similar to the procedure for defining a Dashboard filter, as described above. These widget filters have an AND relationship between them. Each filter that you define appears on the Widget Filters panel on the right, enabling you to easily edit it if needed. The difference is that the widget filter only affects its hosting widget, and is accessible only via the widget designer, not directly from the dashboard.
Dashboard Viewing
Once you have created your widget(s), you can start moving widgets around and finalize your dashboard look and feel. As a designer, you will see the additional navigation on the top right hand where you can add, edit, delete widgets, add text fields to the dashboards, change the color palettes of the dashboard visualizations, create a PDF, share the dashboard with others and see what your dashboard will look like to a Viewer.
As a viewer, the below image will be your view into the dashboard where you can create a PDF and share with others.
Interacting with Filters as a Viewer
Xponent dashboards usually have one or more filters that affect the dashboard widgets. As a viewer, you can interact with filters for analyzing data, either through the Filters pane or by simply selecting values by left-clicking the widget visualization. Each time you interact with a filter, for example by selecting or entering a value, the filter is immediately applied to your dashboard. You will not affect anyone else by changing the filters. In addition, you can restore the original state of the dashboard at any given point by selecting the dashboard menu item and clicking “Restore Dashboard”.
As a Viewer, you can interact with filters as follows:
Make a different selection in the filter controls displayed in the Filters pane on the right side of the dashboard, as shown below:
Click on the pencil icon next to the filter name (shown below) in the dashboard to display the Filter Definition window.
Manage a Dashboard
Important: Deleted dashboards cannot be recovered.
To delete a dashboard, click the Dashboard Menu and select Delete Dashboard.
In your Navigation Pane, click the checkbox icon in order to delete multiple dashboards. Select the relevant dashboards, and click on the trash icon.
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